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I returned to biking to work today, after a break of what has turned out to be months. Some things that I had forgotten about, even missed, over those months:

+Cold, lung-searing morning air +Garbage trucks +Getting passed by other bikers +Attempting to not race other bikers +Definitely not racing in dress clothes +Definitely not […]

Morning in America

Fremont, CA ~ 40 minutes prior to inaguration


the office


I Want To Do This


Things I did not know before today:

GEICO = Government Employees Insurance Company. GEICO is owned by Berkshire Hathaway. Warren Buffett made his fortune in investments by (wisely) investing insurance premium money paid mostly by GEICO customers. Berkshire Hathaway’s holdings include Ben Bridge Jewelers, Dairy Queen, Fruit of the Loom, The Pampered Chef, and See’s […]

Attn: Bryan

You will lose.

(and now your computer has a virus – you’re welcome!)


I’ve started adding photos to this site. They’re here, and also accessible by clicking ‘photos’ at the top of the page.


I hope this does not turn out like katrina, but I don’t have a good feeling about it.