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Today’s spot from the breakfast table is Treasure Island, and more specifically the huge hangar on the southeast corner of the island.

As it sat gleaming in the sun this morning, I couldn’t help wondering what it is used for these days. Evidently it (and the entire island) was built for the 1939 […]

Viewing Capability

Even though it sounds like bragging (and it may well be, although before you envision me living in a mansion on a hilltop, let me clarify that the cottage is, at most, 400 square feet, and one room is practically uninhabitable because it has carpet on the walls!), I have to talk about how amazing […]


In my experience, moving is painful, lengthy, tiring, challenging, and exciting. But my move last weekend, from a house in the flat to a cottage in the hills, surpassed even my own expectations. Aside from the interminable number of trips necessary to get my stuff into a truck and from point A to a much-higher-elevation […]