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A picture is worth...a thousand jobs?

Next time someone claims that the stimulus money “isn’t working” or that the Obama administration is “doing nothing to fix the economy”, invite them to shut up come up with a better idea.

Dear Mr. Obama (& Congress)

I downloaded your proposal ( and the full excel file) for government spending for the next few years, and have the following comments:

I see that in 2011, you expect to bring in $2,567,000,000,000 ($2.57 T), but plan to spend $3,834,000,000,000 ($3.83 T). This means you will overspend by $1.26 T, which is 49.4% of […]

friday headline fun

I love headlines on finance pages, especially this one from 11:45 pm today: Stocks Rise After Better-Than-Expected GDP Report

Stocks rise? Really?? Perhaps “rose” would be a better verb choice, although I admit it doesn’t convey the Breaking News sort of excitement that the present tense “rise” does. And we all need more Breaking […]

Brown v. Coakley

Wow, Massachusetts. Wow. I didn’t know you had it in you to elect an R. As a liberal, it pains me to see health care reform put in question just as it is getting close to resolution. As a conservative, I’m glad to see that a super-majority no longer exists in the Senate. Yes, I […]

NFL Playoff Update

Last week, I correctly predicted one game out of four. This week, I will make up for it:

NFL Playoffs 2010

With an hour to spare, here are my predictions for this year’s playoffs. In short, Vikings + Favre = Super Bowl Win.

Reality Check

I was just reading an article on Oakland’s Temescal District (a place I happen to love from the few restaurants I have visited and the neighborhood’s role in a very important road rally win), when I came across these priceless lines. This is from the “Wall Street Journal – San Francisco Bay Area”, and could […]

Ride Like The…Cheetah?

Must. Ride. This.

You Go, Tri-Cities

Evidently, there is a rather large rainstorm hitting WA right about now, with the following predicted rainfall totals for the region:

I don’t know whether to laugh or cry about the fact that, while most of the state is getting 4, 5, 6 or more inches of rain, a little white circle signifying zero […]


Thanks to the Wall Street Journal, we have this terrible opinion piece added to the national debate about healthcare, although I’m not sure you can consider it an addition to anything. Some notable (false) points of the article, discussing the current Pelosi-sponsored bill working its way through the House, are:

“The bill creates a new […]