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Bay Bridge Pain

In case you haven’t heard yet, the Bay Bridge is closed. This has made for insane traffic over the last three days, as well as record-setting BART ridership. I think I can safely say we are in a second Great Depression, as we have now returned to the early 1930’s where there was high unemployment, […]


Even though I’m a traffic engineer, I still have no idea how or where google gets this kind of detailed traffic info on local streets:

I mean seriously, is telegraph really backed up in only one direction between Elmwood and Temescal at this moment?

I think they may have installed their own sensors, or […]

Feast or Famine?

Feast: the large stock market rally over the past two weeks, which, according to one friend, signals that “the recession is over.” Famine: the fact that just before the rally I moved what little I have invested into cash. Luckily, I have a bit of a gambler’s mentality and tend to view blatant losses as […]


Utilities, apparently, are bored with their lot in life. Turns out sitting around and being utilitarian just isn’t what it used to be, and they’re out looking for ways to spice things up. Maybe even wreak a little havoc.

1) A little over a week ago, a massive branch of an old oak came down […]

H. Pylori – Friend Or Foe?

To follow up on my previous post, I’m still alive, and doing quite well in fact. None of the grave diseases that I feared so much have manifested themselves. Instead, I have been diagnosed with a bacterial infection, evidently the most common infection in the world (H. Pylori). Which makes me wonder, if it is […]

The downside of being smart*

I think I may be a hypochondriac**. I have now visited the emergency room twice in two months, both times fully believing in an immanent end to my existence, and both times coming away with a clean bill of health and an expensive lesson about panic attacks. I now have xrays proving that my rapid […]

Bay Trail – Part 4

Today’s ride was a continuation of my quest to complete the Bay Trail, 400 miles of trail/road around both the San Francisco Bay and the North Bay.

Segment: San Francisco to Fremont Mileage: 56.7 mi today/198.8 mi total Travel Time: 4 hrs 27 min Average Speed: 13.0 mph

Counties Visited: San Francisco, San Mateo, Alameda […]

Man vs. Wild (and Machine!)

Yes, on Friday I took on not only the wild, in the form of mountains, sun, ghost towns, and traffic, but also the machine, namely my bike, in a battle of wills that any normal person would have told me could only culminate in victory for the wild and the machine and defeat for me. […]

On Economy

In the midst of serious declines in the stock market, asset values, and quality of life for many people, there is, I think, at least one silver lining: Americans have woken up and started saving some money!. Even though talking heads tell us that “now is the time when we need to spend to revive […]

Free Market?

Blue is the price of oil and red is the price of gas from January 1 until now. Anyone see a problem here?